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Payroll Packages

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Our Responsibilities – What we agree to do and be responsible for:

  1. To prepare from the information and explanations provided by you, cash-flow and profit forecasts for the period requested.
  2. We will not be carrying out any audit work as part of this assignment and accordingly, we will not express an opinion on the forecasts.
  3. To ensure that anyone reading the forecasts is aware that we have not carried out an audit, we will attach to any report issued a paragraph stating this fact.
  4. To prepare a report with the forecasts stating that they have been drawn up in accordance with the assumptions contained in the forecasts and they are correctly cast.
  5. We will work with you to draw up any estimates or assumptions that are necessary, but these will be based upon information provided by you. Therefore you will remain responsible for any estimates and assumptions.
  6. Since the forecast relates to expected future events, the actual results will almost inevitably differ from the forecast. Those differences may be significant. We will take due care to translate the information and explanations we are provided with into a meaningful forecast based on your assumptions. However, we cannot accept responsibility for any loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any material or statements included in, or omitted from, the forecast.

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Your Responsibilities – What you agree to do and be responsible for

  1. You are responsible for providing us with the information and explanations necessary for the preparation of cash-flow and profit forecasts.
  2. You are responsible for checking and agreeing on the validity of the assumptions that are used in the preparation of the statements.
  3. Our report is prepared solely for your confidential use and solely for the purpose set our above. You may not rely upon it for any other purpose whatsoever.
  4. Our report must not be made available, copied or recited to any other party, unless you have obtained prior written approval from us.